Welcome To Old Drift House

1.  Government covid precautions for accommodation businesses have largely reduced but we continue to follow some of the protocols that address cleaning and safety requirements. These are to ensure your safety, and that of our staff, and we ask for your cooperation with a few simple things. 

2.   Please Strip your Beds before leaving – Not glamorous on the last day of your holiday, we know, but the main route for contracting the virus is airborne, and if anyone is carrying the virus then removing bedding could make it airborne, which is why we ask guests to strip the beds themselves.  You will find a laundry bag in each bedroom for the bedding.

4.  Towels in the bath.  As above.  Please leave all the towels you have used in one of the baths.

5.  Please empty all bins.  There are bins in the kitchen, living room, dining room, and all bedrooms and bathrooms.  Please empty them in the bins by the back gate.

6.  If you develop symptoms.  We sincerely hope that you will have a happy and healthy holiday.  However, should a member of your party develop symptoms, the Government advice is to return to your primary residence and self-isolate there for a period of 7 days (14 days for the other group members).  You must let us know if you do develop symptoms, because the cleaning protocols for the cottage are different.
